Posted by Acadia Canna & Kratom on Mar 19th 2023

Kratom in Rochester New York

What is Kratom?

Kratom, also known as Mitragyna Speciosa, is a tropical evergreen tree that is native to Southeast Asia, specifically in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Its leaves contain psychoactive compounds that are similar in structure to opioids, and it has both stimulant and sedative effects. In Southeast Asia, it has been used for centuries as a traditional medicine to relieve pain, boost energy, and manage a variety of medical conditions.

How is Kratom Used?

Kratom is usually ingested orally, either by chewing the leaves or brewing them into a tea. In the United States, it is more commonly sold in the form of capsules, tablets, or powdered extracts. It can also be smoked, but this method is not recommended due to potential health risks.

What are the Potential Benefits of Kratom?

There is some evidence to suggest that kratom may have potential therapeutic benefits, especially for pain relief and opioid addiction. A review of studies published in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association found that kratom may have analgesic properties and could be a safe and effective alternative to opioids for pain management. Another study published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs found that kratom may help reduce opioid withdrawal symptoms and cravings, potentially making it a useful tool in the treatment of opioid addiction.

What are the Risks and Side Effects of Kratom?

Despite its potential benefits, there are concerns about the safety and effectiveness of kratom. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned that kratom is not approved for medical use and that it carries significant risks, including the potential for addiction, abuse, and overdose. However, it is important to note that many of these reports are anecdotal and that more research is needed to fully understand the risks and side effects of kratom.

Is Kratom Legal?

The legal status of kratom varies by country and state. In the United States, kratom is legal on a federal level, but some states have banned its use, including Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin. Other states have imposed restrictions on its use or require it to be labeled as a dietary supplement.


Kratom is a plant that has been used for centuries in Southeast Asia as a traditional medicine. While there is some evidence to suggest that it may have therapeutic benefits, there are also concerns about its safety and effectiveness.


  • O’Connell, C. W., et al. “Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) Use in a Veteran with Chronic Pain.” American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal, vol. 13, no. 3, Mar. 2018, pp. 5–7., doi:10.1176/appi.ajp